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I hold a space of deep listening about what brought you to me. Then I offer a path of learning and healing that corresponds to your unique characteristics and needs, where I integrate different healing and  coaching tools. Together we identify emotional, relational and/or behavioural  issues that act as saboteurs in your life and produce the results that lead you to therapy:


• Feeling relational anxiety, not being able to be in a relationship, toxic relationships, loneliness.
• Deep sadness and emptiness without apparent cause, nostalgia, apathy, depression.
• Uncontrolled, unconscious, destructive anger. Inability to express oneself without impulsiveness or aggression.
• Emotional Instability and difficulty in emotionally self-regulating.

• Feeling lost and aimless, confused, lacking in purpose, or having difficulty taking charge of your life.

• Lack of balance between different areas of life. 

•Feeling blocked at a certain stage of life and having important decisions to make.
• Living in the shadow of the past with feelings of guilt, attachment, shame, unworthiness, dissatisfaction, etc.

• Feeling powerless in the face of circumstances, relationships and behavioural and emotional patterns that generate suffering.


My approach is a combination of education and coaching with deep healing for body, mind, emotional and spirit connection. 

Besides these tools listed here I might bring up some more that come from my 20 years experience with different types of Meditation, Yoga, Ayurveda, Authentic Communication skills, Detox, Alkaline Nutrition, Bio-decoding and Biomagnetism.



Brainspotting is a powerful, focused treatment method
that works by identifying, processing and releasing core neurophysiological sources of emotional/body pain, trauma, dissociation and a variety of other challenging symptoms.

Brainspotting is a simultaneous a form of diagnosis and treatment,
enhanced with Bilateral sound, which is deep, direct, and powerful yet focused and containing.

Generational Brainspotting combines Somatic Arqueology and
Brainspotting. It’s about developing the ability of exploring somatic
memory and body narratives to help us understand what impels us
biologically to certain behaviors and symptoms.
t provides us with skills to release neurological patterns of amnesia/pain so that we can become free to live unburdened,
compassionate and harmonious lives.


This coaching includes the 4 bodies (physical, intellectual, emotional
and energetic) and learning their specific languages and
Here I gather my knowledge of Coaching, Somatic Awareness, Yoga and Meditation and  to guide you on how to:
Stay centred, grounded and protecting your energetic space,

place limits when needed, being loving and compassionate, accepting what you can’t change, find healing in forgiveness,
balance giving and receiving,
 anger and any emotion in a safe way,
communicate assertively and
 many more life skills.
You will train how to use your inner guidance
 to make wise life choices.
To become the conscious writer of your life story independently from your past.
Through a set of emotional transformation sessions you recognise
and release blocked emotions, get out from any drama roles into
self-power and responsibility.
It works by converting inner barriers into doorways along your path of evolution.
This empowers you to access new possibilities, grow your self-
esteem and generate energy for all areas of your life.




Schema therapy helps us identify the thought and behaviour patterns underlying and perpetuating emotional deregulation, pain and suffering (Schemas).

The treatment approach integrates elements from cognitive behavioural therapy, attachment theory, and a number of other
approaches, expanding on CBT through exploration of emotions,
maladaptive coping methods, and the origin of the surfacing concerns.

A big focus is given on satisfying the core emotional needs of the client that were unmet on childhood and changing the coping
modes that perpetuate negative results and disease.

You can book a Free Clarity Session (20 min.) were we meet to find out
if I can help you.


Lagos, Portugal


+351 913219266




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