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I believe in giving my clients the tools they need to know themselves,
have clarity to make their own life choices, recognize when they are
“activated”, reach out for help and self-regulate when life brings them challenges.  
For this I offer a variety of tools in different formats to suit your diverse needs and specific life moment: individual sessions (in person and online) of Therapy & Coaching, Self-Regulation classes (online), Massage&Healing sessions (in person) and Retreat Programs (in Lagos, Portugal.)


In these sessions we look at what areas of your life are not bringing you the results you want. How are you feeling and how far are you from feeling at ease and happy with yourself and your life?


We identify which are the underlying saboteur patterns, their causes and how they are perpetuated through your behaviours, thoughts and emotions.


We aim to recognise the basic emotional needs behind them, learn to nurture them,to give you a new experience of balance and help you become familiar with these new desired states of being.


Looking at and letting go of what is painful inside is also called “Processing”. It works by converting inner barriers into doorways along your path of evolution.


Together we will build up your clarity and capacity to make new choices that empower you to be the writer of your own life story.


Practicing  turning your attention inside and looking to our inner world in its different expressions: thoughts, emotions and sensations.

By becoming familiar with your inner world and learning to “be with”, you can:

1. Create a space between who you are and what you are experiencing .
2. Noticing, naming and accepting what you feel.
3. Identify and reduce triggers.
4. Tune into physical symptoms and understand their causes.
5. Consider the stories you are telling yourself and make new ones.
6. Start using your Inner Guidance to make life choices that are in tune with what makes you happy.

Each class I will guide different experiences that help you relax, turn inside and learn tools to navigate your inner world with Wisdom.


In this treatment I combine Ayurvedic massage with other energy healing modalities. It’s the result of 20 years experience using conscious touch to facilitate healing and self-regulation. It is deeply relaxing, comforting and anti-stress. I use this therapy to help my clients become more and more familiar with the experience of feeling relaxed and being at ease inside themselves. The more familiar it becomes to be relaxed the easier it gets to shift back when life circumstances take you out of your


Lasts for 1 hour and is a wonderful experience able to transport us to our inner source of peace and deep relaxation, replacing stressful memories at the cellular level for energy and wellbeing.
At the moment these massages are happening in Portugal, Lagos (Praia da Luz).

If you are interested please contact me to book your time.


I have 10 years of experience developing individual retreat programs that have been transforming lives around the world.

This is an immersion format where you have all my attention, experience and exclusive guidance for the purpose of transforming what you need to transform. You might be needing to relax and
unwind, detox, learn new skills to get your life into the next level.


Whatever your need is we will find a way to get you there. At the moment these retreats are happening in Portugal, Lagos. In a wonderful sunny and wild Nature surrounding that facilitates inspired change.

If you are interested, please book a free Clarity Session (20m) were we
meet to find out if I can help you.


I offer a “Clarity Session” that is a first meeting over the phone or
video (20m) to understand how can I support you and if there is the
necessary empathy for us to make a team in your journey of healing
and evolution. Together we decide how to proceed.


I live and work in Lagos in the south of Portugal.
I have an office to receive my clients in Praia da Luz.
Here I receive my clients for Therapy & Coaching, Massage and Healing Sessions.
The Retreat Programs are also in this area in a location we can choose together.


For reasons of practicality this format has become the most popular. It has many advantages and also limitations. These depend on the clienpreference, experience and belief system. In my experience doing distant therapy works as good as in person. It can also be organised a combination of on-line and in-person.


Lagos, Portugal


+351 913219266




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